Tag Archives: 5elements

The 5 elements – SPIRIT

I love the elements! There are so many ways to look at them and connect with them. Over the years I’ve been receiving information about the elements and how to work with them. I’m going to share this information with you in a series of messages on social media and blogs on my website. Starting with the basics: a description of each of the 5 elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.

Today the 5th element: SPIRIT.

SPIRIT is the last element of the 5 (after AIR, FIRE, WATER & EARTH) and is the one that’s least physical of all. SPIRIT is also known as ether or space* and is connected to our CONSCIOUSNESS / AWARENESS. It reminds us that everything is connected, that All is One, that there is only Oneness. SPIRIT is connecting, vibrating, all-encompassing.

When you want to connect with the element of SPIRIT, you can do that by meditating, becoming silent, becoming aware of ‘what is’. You can connect to SPIRIT by being fully present in the moment, to feel into the spaciousness of each single moment in time.

You can connect to SPIRIT through deeply connecting with other people, or even animals and nature. By eye gazing and feeling beyond the physical experience.

You can use prayer to connect with SPIRIT, sacred medicine (if you feel drawn to that), or chanting.

When you allow yourself to be fully in flow while writing, dancing or creating you’re also connecting deeply with SPIRIT.

There’s all sorts and ways to connect with SPIRIT! What’s your favourite way?

*It’s also known as Quintessence (literally “the fifth element” in Latin) or Akasha (in Sanskrit).

The 5 elements – AIR

I love the elements! There are so many ways to look at them and connect with them. Over the years I’ve been receiving information about the elements and how to work with them. I’m going to share this information with you in a series of messages on social media and blogs on my website. Starting with the basics: a description of each of the 5 elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.

Today the 4th element: AIR.

AIR is the 4th in line (after FIRE, WATER & EARTH) if you look at how physical the element is.* You cannot grasp air or hold it in your hands, but you can see it when there’s a difference of temperature – like with your warm breath on a cold day. AIR is connected to your INTELLECT / THOUGHTS. Air reminds us that everything is always moving, changing, to not hold on to anything. ‘The only constant in life is change’. AIR is moving, changing, inspiring.

When you want to connect with the element of AIR, you can do that by consciously connecting to your breath. By simply noticing how the AIR goes in and out of your body, or by practicing different ways of breathing.

You can go outside on a windy day and feel the AIR touching your skin. Or move your body in such a way that you feel the movement of the air around you.

You can connect with AIR through smelling flowers, your favourite food or a lovely perfume.

You can sing, play with your words (or ‘spells’) or play instruments to connect with AIR.

There’s all sorts and ways to connect with AIR! What’s your favourite way?

*I discovered that some say that FIRE is less physical than AIR, but how I received it/experience it, is that FIRE is more physical in the sense that it needs something tangible (like wood, oil or gas) to burn and naturally you’ll feel more when ‘touching’ FIRE than when ‘touching’ (still) AIR.

The 5 elements – FIRE

I love the elements! There are so many ways to look at them and connect with them. Over the years I’ve been receiving information about the elements and how to work with them. I’m going to share this information with you in a series of messages on social media and blogs on my website. Starting with the basics: a description of each of the 5 elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.

Today the 3rd element: FIRE.

FIRE is 3rd in line (after WATER & EARTH) if you look at how physical the element is. You can touch fire (although wouldn’t recommend), but you cannot ‘hold’ it in your hands. It’s the element that is connected to our PASSION. Fire reminds us of our inner fire that needs to burn bright. As this helps us to burn away any fears or resistance and create new fertile ground where we can create from that which lights us up – our passion. FIRE is transforming, transmuting, activating. 

When you want to connect with the element of FIRE, you can do that by making a fire in your fireplace, or creating a bonfire outside. You can write down your fears on a piece of paper and throw it in the fire to be burned away. 

You can look into a candle flame while meditating and deeply connect with the properties of the fire. 

You can connect with the element of FIRE by allowing yourself to fully dive into your passion and express it wildly and vividly. By allowing your inner fire to light you up and shine through. 

You can connect with FIRE through the Sun, by feeling its warmth on your skin, taking in its light, receiving the enlightening, activating fiery energy!

There’s all sorts and ways to connect with FIRE! What’s your favourite way?

The 5 elements – WATER

I love the elements! There are so many ways to look at them and connect with them. Over the years I’ve been receiving information about the elements and how to work with them. I’m going to share this information with you in a series of messages on social media and blogs on my website. Starting with the basics: a description of each of the 5 elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.

Today the 2nd element: WATER.

WATER is after EARTH the most physical element, we can still easily touch it and feel it on our skin. It’s the element that is connected to our EMOTIONS. Water reminds us that our emotions need to flow. Stagnant water has a risk of becoming infested with bacteria, it needs to flow to stay clean and pure. The same goes for our emotions. WATER is healing, purifying, cleansing.

When you want to connect with the element of WATER, you can do that by going for a swim in the sea or a natural water, like a river or lake. Or consciously take a bath or shower at home. Or dance in the rain. Feel the water on your skin, fully connecting to the sensations.

You can mindfully drink a glass of pure, fresh water. Savouring every sip.

You can go and visit a natural spring, or maybe an ancient well and honour the water there.

You can connect to the element of WATER by being mindful of the water you use, by not wasting any water. By being grateful for every drop of water that you drink, wash yourself with or use in any way.

There’s all sorts and ways to connect with WATER! What’s your favourite way?

The 5 elements – EARTH

I love the elements! There are so many ways to look at them and connect with them. Over the years I’ve been receiving information about the elements and how to work with them. I’m going to share this information with you in a series of messages on social media and blogs on my website. Starting with the basics: a description of each of the 5 elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Spirit.

Today the 1st element: EARTH.

EARTH is the most physical element of the 5 and is connected to our physical existence, to our PHYSICAL BODY. It’s the element that helps us to be grounded, to root ourselves in the Earth. To be present in our day-to-day experience, to be able to experience life! EARTH is grounding, stabilizing, strengthening.

When you want to connect with the element of EARTH, you can do that by connecting to Mother Earth, also known as Gaia or Pacha Mama. By taking care of the planet, keeping her clean, don’t leave any rubbish in nature. Or even go and do a clean up in nature somewhere. By being loving to all living beings – other humans, as well as animals (even insects!) included.

By being mindful of the products you buy, of how they are made – with respect for the planet.

You can can get your hands dirty in the soil, planting new seeds. Touching the EARTH with your hands. Or go on a barefoot walk, to touch it with your feet! Or go and lay down on the beach or in a forest. Feel the Earth, touch it, observe the sensations of it.

You can connect with the element of EARTH by taking good care of your own body. By nourishing it with good foods, fresh fruits and vegetables coming from the Earth. Especially veggies that grow under the ground are wonderful for you to ground yourself and connect with the element of EARTH.

There’s all sorts and ways to connect with EARTH! What’s your favourite way?