From Reiki to Healing

After more than a year of working with Reiki II, last week I would get my next degree and become a Reiki master! Something that I was really looking forward to, but that didn’t happen. After long and extensive consideration Inge (my Reiki master) and I decided not to go through with it, because it doesn’t seem to fit this era, Inge or me anymore.

Even though I wasn’t really aware of it, during my sessions I already did more than ‘regular’ Reiki, just because it felt right. I’ve changed the hand positions, shortened/prolonged them, added things or left things out. Everything based on how it felt. This choice – of not becoming a master now – is based on the same. On how it feels, because it feels right!

Will I stop giving Reiki now? No, I’ll just call it differently: Healing. Because it’s Reiki with a bit extra, or a bit less… It will be a Healing anyway, a healing on physical, emotional and mental level. A Healing that relaxes ánd gives you new energy. Sometimes with a bit of Reiki, sometimes without. A Healing that suits the moment, you and your situation. Always with as much Love & Light as possible.

So I will never become a Reiki master? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll stop developing! I’ll continue to learn, discover and explore everything I can find and do in the area of Healing. And everything that resonates with me, that suits me, I’ll use in my Healings. In addition Inge will keep supporting and helping me to go even deeper within the essence of my Healing capacities.

So for everyone who already enjoyed one of my sessions, not much will change. For everyone who hasn’t tried yet: feel free to get in touch! :)

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